Language-based editing systems have the potential to become a
practical, central, and powerful part of every software engineer's
toolkit, but progress has been limited by inattention to user-centered
design issues. Major usability requirements for such systems include
familiar, unrestricted text editing; coherent user interaction with
software; rich, dynamic information display; multiple alternative
views; uninterrupted service in the presence of ill-formedness,
incompleteness, and inconsistency; description-driven support for
multiple languages; and extensibility and customizability. Solutions
require better understanding of software engineers and their tasks,
appropriate design metaphors, new architectural organizations, and
design for adaptation and extension.
Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction: ICSE '94 Workshop on SE-HCI: Joint Research Issues, Sorrento, Italy, May 1994.
Published as Springer Verlag LNCS 896, 1995.
17 Pages (PDF)